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Marking a Milestone: How Brands Can Make the Most of Graduation Season with OOH

Wilkins Media

April 4, 2024 • 2 min. read

As spring blooms, so does the excitement of graduation season. For both high school and college graduates, this time marks a significant milestone filled with celebrations, transitions, and new beginnings. For brands, it presents a golden opportunity to connect with these graduates and their families through strategic out-of-home advertising campaigns.

OOH advertising, ranging from billboards to transit ads, plays a pivotal role in reaching a wide audience outside of the digital realm. Leveraging this medium during graduation season allows brands to capitalize on the heightened attention surrounding these momentous occasions.

This can be an important time for many different types of companies and brands to advertise and reach potential customers.

  • Retailers may want to promote graduation-themed sales, targeting students in need of graduation attire and gift buyers looking for congratulatory presents.
  • Tech companies may want to capitalize on the gift-giving aspect of the season but also the need for new technology as a student enters the next step of their education or joins the workforce.
  • Automotive brands may also be looking to reach graduates or their families who may be thinking of purchasing a car for graduation. 
  • Financial Services brands such as banks, credit card companies, and investment firms recognize graduation season as an opportune time to engage with young adults entering the workforce or pursuing higher education. Ads may focus on financial planning, student loans, or banking services tailored to graduates' needs.
  • Restaurants, food delivery services, and beverage companies promote graduation-themed menus, catering services, or promotional discounts to capitalize on the increased dining and entertainment activity surrounding graduation events.
  • Educational institutions, career counseling services, and online learning platforms may target graduates with ads promoting further education, professional development opportunities, or job search resources to support their career aspirations.
  • Any company looking to recruit new graduates will want to reach those looking for a job and give them a reason to apply. 

Here's how brands can make the most out of OOH advertising during graduation season:

  1. Targeted Locations: Identify key locations where graduates and their families are likely to gather or commute. This includes areas near high schools, college campuses, and shopping centers. Placing ads strategically in these locations ensures maximum visibility and engagement with the target audience.

  2. Celebratory Messaging: Craft messaging that resonates with the celebratory spirit of graduation season. Whether it's congratulatory messages or calls-to-action tailored to graduates embarking on their next journey, ensure that the content aligns with the emotions and aspirations of the target audience.

  3. Personalization: Personalization goes a long way in capturing attention and fostering a connection with the audience. Consider incorporating the names of local schools or universities, graduation years, or customizable elements that allow graduates to feel seen and acknowledged by the brand.

  4. Digital Integration: Integrate social media elements into your OOH ads to encourage user-generated content and amplify brand reach. Incorporate hashtags, QR codes, or handles that prompt graduates to share their experiences or engage with the brand online, extending the campaign's reach beyond physical spaces.

  5. Interactive Experiences: Think outside the box by incorporating experiential marketing tactics into your plans. This could include augmented reality experiences, interactive displays, or brand advocates and promotional giveaways that capture attention and leave a lasting impression on the audience. 

In conclusion, graduation season presents a prime opportunity for brands to leverage out-of-home advertising to connect with high school and college graduates as well as their families. By strategically targeting locations, crafting celebratory messaging, personalizing content, integrating social media, and creating interactive experiences, brands can make a meaningful impact during this momentous time in the lives of graduates. Seize the moment, get creative, and make your brand stand out amidst the festivities of graduation season.

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