
Out-Of-Home Drives Student Enrollment

Written by Wilkins Media | Aug 3, 2023 12:30:00 PM

In today’s competitive world, colleges and universities are always looking for innovative ways to reach out to potential students and increase enrollment. One such effective method is out-of-home advertising, which involves placing advertisements in public spaces such as billboards, transit stations, and shopping malls.

By using out-of-home advertising, colleges can target a wider audience, including those who may not have considered higher education before. These ads can provide information to potential students about the college’s programs, facilities, and benefits. They work well with a QR code taking someone to a landing page for application instructions.

When CUNY, the nation's largest urban public university, needed to bolster awareness for its Accelerated Study in Associate Programs it turned to OOH. They used a multi-format approach to reach stakeholders and potential applicants. The layered OOH approach resulted in over 90,000 website visits and increased enrollment for the following semester.

Additionally, out-of-home advertising can help to establish brand recognition and increase awareness of the college within the community. This can lead to a boost in enrollment and a greater pool of applicants from diverse backgrounds. Ranken Technical College used out-of-home to target a variety of audiences including new or recent high school graduates, military veterans, and traditionally underserved populations for technical colleges including women, African Americans, Latino, and LGBTQ+ communities. With a combination of posters in key locations throughout St. Louis, programmatic digital out-of-home, and exposed mobile retargeting to further extend their campaign and drive prospective students to their website, they were able to successfully drive enrollment results. 

When used strategically, out-of-home advertising can be a powerful tool for colleges to stand out from the competition and attract the attention of potential students. By investing in creative and eye-catching ads, colleges can showcase their unique offerings and inspire future generations to pursue higher education. To learn more about how out-of-home and education institutions go hand-in-hand, check out our Education One Sheet or reach out to us at for more information.